Guess who's back? Stretch is back! Guess who's back? Stretch is back...Stretch is back...Stretch is back!!! And I'm mad as hell! Well let's just say I'm a little tired of all of these artists out here using pitch correction on their songs. I mean the days of Roger Troutman with Zapp with their success in the early 80's, with Roger being the musical genius he was using the "talk box" to help enhance his music. Of course one of Roger's predecessors who was a music savant in his own-right of course is Teddy Riley. Teddy took the game to a whole-new level with the creation of the New Jack Swing era.
Well we all know how these two men changed music with there talents and style. I'm just tired of the new cats in the game that have a case of the "lazy ass" in them. It seems like every time I turn on the radio or go to a site to listen to new music there is someone using pitch correction to substitute their lack of talent.
Culprit number 1...The Circus Ring Leader himself--T-Pain!

This dude is the epitome of what I call the "lazy-ass artist" I'm not doubting his producing skills but as an artist this dude lacks that certain "je ne sais quoi" to him. Ever since I heard "I'm In Love With A Stripper", I was like what the hell is this? But like most songs they tend to grow on you. But this dude has been that cancer to music that just won't seem to go away! No matter how many treatments you give him he just reappears. Each time worse than the time before. You don't believe me here he is straight murdering Keith Sweat's "I Want Her" on VH1's Hip Hop Honors.
The dude is just horrible! He could have been on that horrific show that was on MTV "Rock The Cradle". I don't know who is worst at signing Al B. Sure's son or T-Pain? Well I know that they both suck ass!
I just wish that cats would get it together. Long gone are the days of the New Jack era where production and music was at it's best. Long gone are the days of finely produced albums by Stevie, Quincy, Prince, Jam and Lewis. The shit that's out now is just that...SHIT! No wonder my i-Tunes is full of music from the late 80's to mid to late 90's.
Now everyone thinks that they need the service of the "auto-tune" or the "talk-box" to have a hit. The answer is no you don't need that mess. You can use it to enhance a song if need be but don't let it be your major player in your song. Now Lil' Wayne and Chris Brown are using it and Chris doesn't need it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n3ylXxmPsQ - Chris Brown "Forever"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc6kmI-UdZM - Lil' Wayne "Got Money"
Well Wayne is using it in just about every hook he sings rather auto-tunes on. LOL. Alright back to the lecture at hand. Is it me or does Pain look like the Dr. Teeth of Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem Band from The Muppet Show?

Lets get back to the good times of music. Will we ever see those days again? Only time will tell but we always have the memories of the good days.
http://new.music.yahoo.com/videos/--2160344 Guy-Groove Me
http://new.music.yahoo.com/videos/--2164465 Today-Him or Me
http://new.music.yahoo.com/videos/--2160132 LL Cool J-Jingling Baby
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCYiYgn1XWY Zapp-I Wanna Be Your Man