Okay, so I tried to rearrange some of the lyrics of Ready For The World's "Oh Sheila" give me a little credit. So last night I went out to see a singer that I've been digging on ever since she hit the scene in 2003 with the release of her biggest song "Be Your Girl". I remember when I was still doing radio in Baltimore, and I would play this record on my show at night, the lines would light up with women wanting to know who was this girl singing. The song was so catchy and spoke to the ladies at that time of what was going on in their life's. I was really expecting Teedra to be a prominent fixture on the female vocalist side for years to come. Well, that didn't happen and it wasn't her fault it happens to a lot of talented singers. I was happy to see her perform last night and still staying on the grind. The last time I saw her was maybe 2 years ago with Raphael Saddiq at The House of Blues on Sunset in Los Angeles.
She did her thing at that show and she didn't disappoint last night either. I got there around 8 or so since I wanted to see the opening act--Russell Taylor but the dude never went on! Well anyway the crowd was building and the time just kept lapsing as I stood by the bar chugging-down endless amounts of seltzer water with lime. I think she was suppose to hit the stage at 9 or so but the big dude kept coming up to the mic talking about how she was help up at the airport from her flight in L.A.
"She will be here in 20 minutes. I just got off the phone with her folks. Teedra Moses will be here in like 15 to 20 minutes." he said unsure. I'm not sure he was trying to convince us or him. So finally after a plate of fried yucca and a $20 plate of dried chicken thingies she finally hit the stage. I must say all of the venom that I built up waiting for her was quickly removed when she strutted on wearing a red dress that hugged her body tighter than I could! She apologized to her fans--well to the ones that decided to stay despite her tardiness. She grabbed that mic and went right at it! The crowd went bananas and the ladies started to rock and sing with her word for word. It was a beautiful sight. I love it when a artist can connect with their audience and she did just that.
The highlights of the night for me was when she did "Be Your Girl" the ladies in the spot sang that song hard. I was scooping looking for what honey I could get eye-contact with so she could sing to me. LOL. Well I was only looking at Teedra to be honest! Her set was on point she did a version of "Be Your Girl" with Mtume's "Juicy Fruit" which was dope! She bust into "Cherchez La Femme" by Se Si Bon, that had the crowd go nuts. Teedra most definitely did her thing last night. She looked good and sounded great. I had a great time despite at the end when this snake salesman and his plain-jane girlfriend stood next to me and started tongue dancing! Damn, man get a room! Anyway I'm sure her time to shine will resurface again and when it does I will be there to see her flourish.
Here is some Teedra for you just in case you need a refresher!
Shout out to my girl Fionna Bloom for putting me down on Teedra's show. The Bloom Effect is in full-effect mode!
Well until next time turn up the music...since The Music Ain't Loud Enough!
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